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  • hawthorne

    20. April 2010

    War das jetzt ein Versprecher was Siegmar Gabriel im Wahlkampf von NRW sagte: „Dann hat Rot-Rot-Grün eine eigene Mehrheit.“ (Quelle: spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,689868,00.html) Oder lässt die Ypsilanti grüssen. Ich hoffe das wird vor der Wahl noch geklärt, denn eine zweite Lügerei wäre meines Erachtens das Ende der SPD. Die sollen vor der Wahl klar sagen, was sie nach der Wahl machen.

  • Thorsten Faas

    13. September 2010

    Und noch eine Rezension:

    Thorsten Faas, Kai Arzheimer, & Sigrid Roßteutscher, (Eds.) (2010). Information – Wahrnehmung – Emotion. Politische Psychologie in der Wahl- und Einstellungsforschung [Information – Perception – Emotion. Political psychology in research on elections and attitudes], Wiesbaden, Germany: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 377 pp., ISBN 978-3-531-17384-9.

    For many years, election research viewed voting decisions as consequences of beliefs and attitudes of citizens without asking the question where these beliefs and attitudes come from, how they are organized and how they are combined in decision making. The perspective of political psychology has moved these aspects into focus and has reconciled traditional election studies with research on political communication and campaigning, which asked how the “pictures in our heads” are formed. The editors have compiled diverse studies of political psychology with an amazing bandwidth of research interests and innovative methodological approaches. Contributions investigate the impact of media coverage, of public opinion surveys, and of political campaigning. Beyond more traditional methodology, studies use eye tracking methodology, real-time response measurement, international comparative approaches, and response latency measurement in surveys. In combination, these studies illustrate how complicated and diverse the ways are in which political information is presented, is attended to, is processed, and is applied in decision making. At the same time, it motivates the reader to think about and delve into these details rather than to lose heart facing this hardly gaugeable field of study.

  • Thorsten Faas

    28. Oktober 2010

    Und hier noch eine von Susumu Shikano aus der ZPB:

  • Thorsten Faas

    19. Januar 2011

    Und noch eine Rezension von Alexander Glatz in der PVS:

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